Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I finished up my Mocap project this morning. Tonight we showed all our projects to the class, dead Daily and Robert Zemeckis. He's a pretty cool guy and liked all our work. He asked us a bunch of questions about our films. Being the sole focus of a multi-oscar winner's attention for fifteen minutes is an awesome feeling. After we got to ask him some questions and we all had a good dialogue going.

I put together a cool style piece for my thesis. Basically it is what I want my final film to kind of look like. I'll post it tomorrow. On Friday I have my thesis review. I could probably go tomorrow with the materials I have now but

Signed up for Internship class today. I want to find an apartment near my internship some time in the next few days. I've heard from my friend Justin that Miracle Mile is a dull neighborhood but there are a lot worse adjectives to describe a neighborhood than dull. Especially in LA.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Book fair was today at USC. We stole it from UCLA who hosted it before. I'm not sure how many booths there were but they numbered well into the 600s. Not every number represented a booth though. I saw a few books I wanted to buy but didn't today. The fair goes on tomorrow though so I'll go back and buy them then.

I got an internship at The Third Floor this week. I'm really excited about it. They are a pre-viz company in Los Angeles. I've been trying to get in contact with that company for an information interview for months without luck. They've been very busy with a number of projects. When I interviewed them I overheard a sound track from Steven Spielberg's latest film. I don't know what it is about but there are plenty of explosions.

Worked on my Mocap project for a few hours today. I'm almost done. Tomorrow should do it. It's really goofy but it will turn out to be a good pre-viz piece.