Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Had a 14 hour day yesterday. That was pretty exhausting. I got in around 10am to work on prep for a Mocap assignment. It was all good until I read an article saying that Mars Needs Moms is going straight to DVD in Europe. That's not a good sign for Mocap artists. I messed around with storyboards as well. Disney Inspire Day is Thursday and I want to update my storyboard portfolio a bit. In Business of Animation class the mad who helped bring the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to America was our guest. I don't know how much he is worth but he helped out on a few multi-billion dollar deals. After class I spent several hours in the Mocap room. Matt, Allen and Laura helped me out on recreating a funny fight scene. It went fairly well despite some crashes of Blade. This morning I sat in on lecture from a mad auditioning to be the new animation professor. His name was Matt Wallin. He is a vfx guy. Some say we have too many of them already but I welcome anyone who can get me a job after graduation.

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