Friday, January 21, 2011

VFX Bake Off Review

I went to the VFX Bake Off last night. Basically it is where seven movies that are up for the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects get to talk for a few minutes and show a reel of the work that was done on the film. Tron, Inception, Hereafter, Alice In Wonderland, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Iron Man 2, and Harry Potter 7 were the nominees. I wasn't eligible to vote but those who were got to narrow that down to four choices.

My vote would have gone to Inception. The effects were pretty amazing but still felt real. Iron Man 2, Hereafter, and Harry Potter did a good job as well but I was too aware of the effects and it took me out of the film a bit. Tron, Scott Pilgrim, and Alice were essentially animated films with a couple people thrown in there. All these films were great though.

I still don't have any major project to work on. I'm working a little on writing and will try to cut down my thesis story board by a few seconds today. I bought a new controller today for my Wii. I'm going to try it out on Mario Kart. I tried talking to ITS about hooking it up to the internet but with no luck.

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