Friday, April 15, 2011

I met with the DP of Total Fistbump Destruction today. He approved the first scene and we walked through the next one. I'll probably have it done by Saturday and get my next scene Monday. I'm starting to think that this project might get done sooner rather than later. My other projects were slowly worked away on. I ended up having some free time today. Not a lot but enough. I went to the campus bar and attended a lecture with Ralph Egglesten. He was the art director for Toy Story, Finding Nemo and Wall-E. Basically he desides what the over all look of the film is. If you study some great films you'll see that some scenes are different color depending on the mood or plot. An art director does that. Here's a couple storyboard pictures from TFD. Its such a violent film that the people in the Jason hockey masks are the good guys.

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