Saturday, April 2, 2011

I've had a couple meetings about SCFX over the last few days. One at the SCA graduate council meeting about getting a website. The school won't directly fund it but they will give us gift cirtificates to the USC bookstore. This might work out, especially if we get a student to run it. Another meeting was this afternoon. A freshman is creating a new social network site for USC groups. It should be useful in getting people to the SCFX events.

Last night I had a website building class. The professor wanted a volunteer to use as an example website. I volunteered and he pretty much built my website for me. It looks good but now I don't know how to make a website. The site should be up in a week or so.

I'm working on Mocap all day today. I helped out a classmate yesterday and today I'm cleaning up the data on the footage I took Monday. There's a lot of bugs but I think I can get through it all today and start the next step tomorrow.

I'm thinking about taking a new job. I spoke with a critical studies student today about an independant project he is putting together. It is a short film based on a video game. I'm going to meet him tomorrow and discuss if I'll be storyboarding it. It should be good portfolio fodder.

Here's some more life drawing:

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