Sunday, April 17, 2011

Slept in today. Southern California is getting how fast so I woke up sweaty around ten and made some coffee. Nothing in my apartment looked appetizing so I ended up just getting a chicken sandwich at the Wendy's down the street.

I got an email stating that the film students I'm working for need a rough draft of the storyboards Monday. So early tomorrow I'm going to rush through the final scene with the help of the DP. Today I finished up the second scene, scanned and sent them to the film students.

Apparently Robert Zemeckis is making a new Mocap movie. Who would have guessed?

Here's a shot that I think sums up the entire film. This army guy just smashed the masked guy in the face with the butt of his rifle. The masked guy just shakes it off and shoots him. The army guys reaction is less terrifying and more "Really? This is happening right now?"

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